Measure ID

Total carbon dioxide equivalents per induction for cases where halogenated agents and/or nitrous oxide was administered during the induction period of anesthesia

Measure Type
Available for Provider Feedback
No - Departmental Only
Not applicable - Informational only

Inhalational agents (halogenated hydrocarbons and nitrous oxide) leaking or vented into the atmosphere are environmental pollutants.  Reducing emissions can decrease public health harm and cost of anesthesia without compromising patient care. 1–13

“Global Warming Potential (GWP) is a measure of how much a given mass of greenhouse gas contributes to global warming over a specified period of time. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change uses 100 years; however, 20, 50, 500 years are common as well, depending on the gas in question. GWP is a relative scale that compares the contribution of the gas in question to that of the same mass of carbon dioxide. The GWP of carbon dioxide, by definition, is one.”2 

Measure Time Period

Cases where halogenated hydrocarbons and/or nitrous oxide were administered during induction

  • Cases in which halogenated hydrocarbons or nitrous oxide are NOT used for induction
  • Cases with only manually entered fresh gas flow values (fresh gas flow values must be automated to be considered for this measure)
Success Criteria

Carbon dioxide equivalents will be reported as kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalents per case. A carbon dioxide limit of 50 kg CO2 has been set for this informational measure to ensure that all cases 'pass' since a threshold has not yet been established in the literature.

Emissions data are also converted to other meaningful equivalencies & reported as:

  • Miles driven by an average gasoline-powered passenger vehicle
  • Gallons of gasoline consumed
Other Measure Details

Inhalational agents and flows will be assessed and considered as artifact if inside the ranges listed within the Halogenated Anesthetic Gases and Nitrous Oxide Used phenotypes. See Appendix for how minutes are included before calculating kg CO2 equivalents.

  • If Fresh Gas Flow Total (MPOG Concept ID: 3214) is documented for the case, this concept will be used to determine success in the setting of halogenated agents or nitrous oxide use.
  • If Fresh Gas Flow Total (MPOG Concept ID: 3214) is not documented for the case, MPOG will calculate Fresh Gas Flow: Flows Oxygen (ID: 3215) + Flows Air (ID: 3220) + Flows Nitrous Oxide (ID: 3225)


Site Average kg CO2  =  SUM ('Total CO2 Equivalents') / COUNT Included cases (Institution only)

MPOG Average kg CO =  SUM ('Total CO2 Equivalents') / COUNT Included cases (All MPOG)

Total Minutes Included  =  SUM (minutes within measure bounds, with both halogenated agent and flows present)

Average kg CO2/min  =  SUM ('Total CO2 Equivalents') / SUM ('Total Included Minutes')

Total CO2 equivalents is calculated by determining the pollutant total for the time period and dividing by the total number of minutes between induction start and induction end:

Pollutant Total: [Inspired agent concentration (%) * fresh gas flow (l/min)] * GWP100

  1. Calculate CO2 eq for each minute of Sevoflurane %, Isoflurane and Desflurane %  *
  2. Calculate CO2 eq for each minute of Nitrous Oxide % or Nitrous Oxide flows **
  3. Sum CO2 equivalents 
  4. Divide by total included minutes: Total CO2 eq/Total # of minutes
    • Included Minute = minute within measure bounds, with both halogenated agent and flows present

* CO2 eq for Sevoflurane, Isoflurane or Desflurane (%):

  1. Convert agent % → mLs of agent/min: (FGF (l/min) x 1,000 x agent %) / 100 
  2. Convert mls/min → moles:  agent mL / 24,400
  3. Convert moles → mass: (agent moles x MW of agent) / 1,000
  4. Convert mass → CO2 equivalents: agent mass x GWP of agent 


** CO2 eq For Nitrous Oxide:

For cases with Nitrous Oxide (N2O) reported as percent inspired (%) instead of L/min, MPOG with convert percent inspired to L/min using the Fresh Gas Flow values for Oxygen (O2) using the following steps:

  1. If not available. MPOG will determine percentage inspired for Oxygen by subtracting Nitrous Oxide percent inspired value from 100.
  2. Calculate the toal Fresh Gas Flow by dividing Oxygen flows (L/min) by Oxygen percent.
  3. Calculate Nitrous flow by subtracting Oxygen flows (L/min) form total Fresh Gas Flow.

Please note: in rare cases where both Nitrous and Air are delivered, MPOG adjusts these steps to include both Air and Oxygen in these steps (instead of just Oxygen alone).

 Step  Step 1  Step 2  Step 3  Step 4  Step 5
 Concept   Start with N2O inspired %

 Determine O2 inspired if necessary

1 - N2O (%)

 Use O2 flow (L/min)

 Determine total FGF

 O2 flow divided by O2 inspired

 Determine N2O flow

 Total FGF - O2 flow (L/min)

 Value  34  66  1.3  2.0  0.7

For cases with both valid Nitrous Oxide % and Nitrous Oxide flows reported, only Nitrous Oxide flows will be considered (N2O values reported as % will be ignored):

  1. Convert Nitrous Oxide (l/min) → mols/min: Nitrous Oxide  / 24.4 = Nmol
  2. Convert Nmol → N20 mass (kg/min): (Nmol *44) / 1,000 
  3. Convert Nmass → CO2 equivalents: Nmass * GWP 

From Greening the Operating Room and Perioperative Arena: Environmental Sustainability for Anesthesia Practice:

“Global Warming Potential (GWP) is a measure of how much a given mass of greenhouse gas contributes to global warming over a specified period of time. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change uses 100 years; however, 20, 50, 500 years are common as well, depending on the gas in question. GWP is a relative scale that compares the contribution of the gas in question to that of the same mass of carbon dioxide. The GWP of carbon dioxide, by definition, is one.”(Greening the Operating Room )


Global Warming Potential100

Atmospheric Lifetime (years)

Molecular Weight (g/mol)













Nitrous Oxide13




Table adapted from American Society of Anesthesiologists’ Task Force on Environmental Sustainability Committee on Equipment and Facilities: Greening the Operating Room and Perioperative Arena: Environmental Sustainability for Anesthesia Practice(?Greening the Operating Room )

*Nitrous oxide value is derived as an average of the range provided on the EPA website: 265-298.

Calculations for equivalencies:

Miles driven by an average gasoline-powered passenger vehicle (per 

  1. Convert kg CO2 equivalents -> metric tons: Total kg CO2/1000
  2. Convert metric tons CO2 eq. -> miles driven: Metric tons CO2 eq. / (0.000403)

*Methodology for determining conversion factor (0.000403): 

8.89 × 10-3 metric tons CO2/gallon gasoline × 1/22.2 miles per gallon car/truck average × 1 CO2, CH4, and N2O/0.994 CO2 = 4.03 x 10-4 metric tons CO2E/mile


Gallons of gasoline (per

  1. Convert kg CO2 equivalents -> grams of CO2 equivalents: Total kg CO2*1000
  2. Convert grams CO2 eq. -> gallons of gasoline: grams CO2 eq./8,887

*Rationale for applying conversion factor 8,887g CO2 eq/gallon of gasoline:

‘In the preamble to the joint EPA/Department of Transportation rulemaking on May 7, 2010 that established the initial National Program fuel economy standards for model years 2012-2016, the agencies stated that they had agreed to use a common conversion factor of 8,887 grams of CO2 emissions per gallon of gasoline consumed (Federal Register 2010)’

*This measure will include valid MPOG cases defined by the Is Valid Case phenotype.

Risk Adjustment

Not applicable

Provider Attribution

Departmental only measure - not available for provider feedback emails.

MPOG Concept Used

Gas Flow Concepts

  • 3214       Fresh Gas Flow Total (L/min)
  • 3215       Flows Oxygen (L/min)
  • 3220       Flows Air (L/min)
  • 3225       Flows Nitrous Oxide (L/min)

Halogenated Agent Concepts

  • 3265       Isoflurane Insp %
  • 3275       Sevoflurane Insp %
  • 3285       Desflurane Insp %

Nitrous Oxide Concept

  • 3250       Nitrous Insp %
MPOG Phenotypes Used
  1. The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica: mole 2020 at <>
  2. Greening the Operating Room at <>
  3. Epa US, OAR: Understanding global warming potentials 2016 at <>
  4. Hodnebrog Ø, Aamaas B, Fuglestvedt JS, Marston G, Myhre G, Nielsen CJ, Sandstad M, Shine KP, Wallington TJ: Updated Global Warming Potentials and Radiative Efficiencies of Halocarbons and Other Weak Atmospheric Absorbers. Rev Geophys 2020; 58:e2019RG000691
  5. Andersen MPS, Nielsen OJ, Wallington TJ, Karpichev B, Sander SP: Assessing the Impact on Global Climate from General Anesthetic Gases. Anesthesia & Analgesia 2012; 114:1081
  6. Biro P: Calculation of volatile anaesthetics consumption from agent concentration and fresh gas flow. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2014; 58:968–72
  7. Hendrickx JF: The pharmacokinetics of inhaled anesthetics and carrier gases. Belgium: Ghent University 2004
  8. Lowe HJ, Ernst EA: The Quantitative Practice of Anesthesia: Use of Closed Circuit. Williams & Wilkins, 1981
  9. Barwise JA, Lancaster LJ, Michaels D, Pope JE, Berry JM: An Initial Evaluation of a Novel Anesthetic Scavenging Interface. Anesthesia & Analgesia 2011; 113:1064
  10. Tjus MEA: Destruction of Medical N2O in Sweden doi:10.5772/32169
  11. Eisenkraft JB, McGregor DG: Waste Anesthetic Gases and Scavenging Systems 2013:pp 125–47 doi:10.1016/b978-0-323-11237-6.00005-4
  12. Feldman JM: Managing fresh gas flow to reduce environmental contamination. Anesth Analg 2012; 114:1093–101
  13. McGain F, Muret J, Lawson C, Sherman JD: Environmental sustainability in anaesthesia and critical care. Br J Anaesth 2020; 125:680–92
Measure Authors
 Measure Author  Institution
 Meridith Wade, MSN, RN  University of Michigan
 Kate Buehler, MS, RN  University of Michigan
 Nirav Shah, MD  University of Michigan
 Rob Coleman  University of Michigan
 MPOG Quality Committee  


Measure Reviewer(s)
Next Review: 2026
 Date Reviewed  Reviewer  Institution  Summary  QC Vote


Published Date: 2023
Date Criteria Revision
 04/08/2024  Exclusion  Updated to exclude cases with only manually entered fresh gas flow. Only automated FGF values are considered
02/24/2023    Initial Publication